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Questions concerned comparing of PDF (Adobe Acrobat) files

Common Questions:


How do I compare text?

Read some common notes about comparing texts.


How comparing documents with different structure?

Read our recommendations


Compare documents after scan and OCR.

When converting document from scanned image to text with OCR document became badly structured. Compare PDF provides the way to compare badly structured documents, that were scanned and then converted to text. More over with Compare PDF you can convert .pdf file to text with some OCR tool and then compare it with some Word document (.doc).

If I can add Compare PDF as an add-on to some other project?

You can run Compare PDF by command line - so it will compare files and generate report automatically.


How to give it a try and how to buy?

Trying. You should download Compare PDF. Click here.

Buying. You should got to ordering page. Click here.




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