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Compare two folders. Step by step.

This is a step-by-step guide on how to compare two folders with Compare PDF. For more information about folder comparison read about folder comparison feature. Read more...

Start comparison by running Compare PDF.

Run Compare PDF by double clicking on it's icon. Run Compare PDF by double clicking on it's icon.

You can also select Compare PDF in Start -> Programs menu.

Start comparison by running Compare PDF

Click New Compare button

Click new folder comparison button: Click new folder comparison button: . Another way is to select "New folder comparison" command in "File" menu.. Another way is to select "New folder comparison" command in "File" menu.
Click "New Comparison" button

Specify folders to compare

 Specify folders to compare on both - left and right panel. Specify folders to compare on both - left and right panel.

You should click Open button You should click Open button  on the left side and select necessary folder to compare (perhaps older version). on the left side and select necessary folder to compare (perhaps older version). And then click Open button And then click Open button  on the right panel and select folder to compare with (perhaps newer version). on the right panel and select folder to compare with (perhaps newer version).

Specify folders to compare

Compare folders now

Once you've selected both folders, Compare PDF will compare folders. 

You can also start comparison by clicking Compare Button You can also start comparison by clicking Compare Button

Compare files now

Generate comparative report

Select necessary option in Reports menu. Please, note: the advanced report is the most informative as it contains details of changes of all files in folders. Now you can generate comparative report. 

Select necessary option in Reports menu. Please, note: the advanced report is the most informative as it contains details of changes of all files in folders.

Compare PDF. Report feature.

Generate comparative report



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