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Compare files and write version control comments


Large and small businesses are now using various document management systems to keep electronic documents. The most important document information is probably the changes comments written in version comment textbox. Having well-written changes notes, people will be able to:

  • find document by keywords that were used in version change comments;

  • learn quickly what modifications were made in this version of the document;

Compare PDF aims to help you to write intelligent comments that would help you and your co-workers in future. You don't have to recall what changes you did. Compare PDF will do a quick review of two version of document and generate comparative report.


Also, if some document administrator type version control comment then Compare PDF is irreplaceable tool as:

  • Compare PDF lets to write intelligent version control comment;

  • Compare PDF lets document administrator write version control comments instead of author;

Typing version control comments

In this sample instead of putting detailed description of changes user just put some common words
In this sample instead of putting detailed description of changes user just put some common words

If you have to recall what changes were made in document then you can miss something.


In this sample instead of putting detailed description of changes user just put some common words:

  • This description is not complete;

  • It required some time to recall some facts about changes that were made;

Use Compare PDF to put accurate and detailed version changes description.



Use Compare PDF and typing version control comments



1 Sample Compare Document
2 This document aim to show how can Compare PDF be used with various document management systems. 
3 By keywords comparison allows to compare non-related documents with different structure.
4 Document merge audit of plain text files allows to accept or decline changes that were made.
5 Compare two texts by keywords on-line. Compare PDF ONLINE

With  Compare PDF you can compare version 1.1. and 1.2. of document. 

The result of comparison is easy readable comparative report.  

With  Compare PDF you can compare version 1.1. and 1.2. of document. 


How to compare files with Compare PDF:


The result of comparison is easy readable comparative report. 


New words are highlighted with blue, deleted with red and new with green color.


In this sample instead of putting detailed description of changes user just put some common words
In this sample instead of putting detailed description of changes user just put some common words

It's much easier to put some reasonable comments when you have changes highlighted.


You can quickly learn that two new lines appeared in the text (highlighted with blue) so you put comment 1 and 3 -- added the description of by-keywords feature and on-line feature.


The description of document merge function was changed. No we use word "merge" instead of "audit" word. The new word is highlighted with green and deleted with red. This change is important for author and other people who work with this document, so we put the description line 2 - changed the description of "merge" function.



Document share ideas

Now you have a changes note text. There are several ways how you can use this note:

  • Put changes note into the version history section of the file;

  • Put the note into version control comments box of your document management system;

  • When sending document file it would be nice of you to attach detailed changes note;


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