Running with command line |
Command line syntax for Compare Suite Last edited: 19:39 11.11.2003 CompareSuite.exe {file1 file2 | folder1 folder2} [/report:<report_name> [/type:{std|full|adv}]] Where: file1, file2 -- full path to the file folder1, folder2 -- full path to the folder report_name -- full path to the report to be created {std|full|adv} -- report type (standard, full, advanced). For file report this switch has no meaning, because standard one is always used. If omitted, standard supposed Error is given to the user in case: - one of the files/folders not found - user specified one file and one folder Comments: 0. Even started from command line Compare Suite loads options from .ini file. So, before running it one may edit it manually. 1. /report switch can be shortened to /r /type switch can be shortened to /t (e.g. /t:std) 2. If /report is specified there MUST be either two file or two folders specified 3. If /report (or /r) is specified, no GUI will be created! 4. If no extension is specified for report name, .html is appended. If there is any other extension, it will left unchanged 5. If folder for report name is not exist, it will be created 6. "-" and "/" can be used as delimiters. I.e. -report and /report means the same 7. Letter case doesn't matter 8. Swiches other than /r and /report ignored 9. Only first two pathes are matter, the rest are ignored 10. Destination report files will be overwritten without confirmation 11. The order of parameters and switches doesn't matter. I.e. the following are valid examples: CompareSuite.exe /r:C:\some.html c:\file1.txt c:\file2.txt CompareSuite.exe c:\file1.txt c:\file2.txt /r:C:\some.html CompareSuite.exe c:\file1.txt /r:C:\some.html c:\file2.txt |